To radically transform a country for the betterment of its people, as the first step, it must be managed by the true representatives of its citizens.
To constitute such a country, let the following words always reverberate in our hearts:
Mai Hee Bharat!
Know Our President
Impressively accomplished in his academic pursuits, our National President, Dr. Subodh Chandra Roy stands tall as an advocate hailing from the city of Kolkata, India.

About Us
The journey, or poth chola, of Mai Hee Bharat, reflects the journey of the grass called Bamboo. An incredibly alluring quality of this grass is its ‘signature’ hardness and to achieve it, it grows over the years with patience and in silence.
Our Manifesto
Bharat, that is India, is known as an independent, sovereign, democratic country. As per the terms and conditions of democracy, such a country is supposed to be managed by the wishes of the majority of its population, which implies that such wishes have to be mandatorily transformed into reality.

Our Constitution
For a system to thrive, it must have a clear and logical set of rules. Our party is no exception to this axiom.
From the National President's Desk
The fallacy lies in the fact that whereas the bandits act together like a bundle of sticks with a common nefarious goal, but factually, 140 crore people together is a misconception that does not exist.
In reality what we have is an ensemble of 140 crore individuals with, ironically, the same number of scattered minds.
1. In a case on contempt of Court a famous British Judge named Lord James Richard Atkin had observed way back in 1936 that:
“Justice is not a cloistered virtue: she must be allowed to suffer the scrutiny and respectful, even though outspoken, comments of ordinary men."
2. All the Judges of the High Courts and Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice of India, CJI, (not, repeat not, the “Chief Justice of Supreme Court,” since none exists having such a designation), are Public Servants.
আদালত একটা ঘটনার খুঁটিনাটি বিচার করে রায় ঘোষণা করবে এটাই তার দায়িত্ব। আদালতের তো “সুবিচার” করার কোনও এক্তিয়ারই নেই। কারণ যদি বাদীর পক্ষে কোনও রায় “সুবিচার” বলে গণ্য হয় তাহলে সেটা বিবাদীর জন্যে অবশ্যই “কুবিচার” বলে ধরতে হবে।
যেহেতু আদালতের পক্ষে “সুবিচার” ও “কুবিচার” দু’টোই এক সঙ্গে করা অসম্ভব, তাই আদালত শুধুমাত্র যে কোনও ঘটনার বিচারই করতে পারে, “সুবিচার” নয়।
শুধু মনে রাখা উচিত, কলকাতা হাইকোর্টের বিচারপতি সৌমেন সেনের সাম্প্রতিক এপিসোডটি কোনও বিচ্ছিন্ন ঘটনা নয়, এটি বিশাল হিমশৈলের একটি চূড়ামাত্র!
ভারত নামের এই ভূখন্ডে তথাকথিত দুর্নীতির সূচনা হয়েছে সেই ১৯৪৭ সালের ১৫ই আগস্ট রাত বারোটার শেষ ঘন্টাটি বাজার মুহূর্ত থেকে, যে বিষয়ে আমরা প্রায় সবাই এক রহস্যময় নীরবতা পালন করে থাকি।
Farmers' protest: Nearly 100 farmers hospitalized with serious injuries
The moment the realization that we are the very foundation of Bharat finds its way into our mental fabric, the current barbaric scenario is bound to vanish in no time.
The need of the hour is to Make it Right!
Under which mechanism a subject of the British Empire, residing in one of its Dominions known as India, got his status changed to a 'citizen' of a 'Sovereign Democratic Republic' named 'India'?
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